26 January Sms

26 January this year is a

26 January this year is a water-shed as our leaders would be seeking votes from the public for mandate in this chaos which might bring in a revolutionary change in the Indian political scene The best way to celebrate it is to register to vote and pledge to exercise your franchise judiciously Happy Republic Day.


This country gave us freedom to

This country gave us freedom to speak freedom to live with dignity and freedom of religion This country gave us freedom to follow our dream Salute to this nation Happy Republic Day.


The difference between what we do

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world s problems Leave aside the world we can all make India Sone ki Chidiya again Happy Republic Day.


Other might have forgotten but never

Other might have forgotten but never can I; May the memories of martyrs never die May lakhs of brave-hearts take birth on our motherland; And the flag of our country always furls very high Happy Republic day.


On this special day let s

On this special day let s promise our motherland that we ll do everything to enrich our culture and heritage; preserve our national treasures; and keep our country clean of filth and corruption Happy Republic Day.


Maa Tujhe Salaam Yahan Vahan Saara

Maa Tujhe Salaam Yahan Vahan Saara Jahan Dekh Liya Abb Tak Bhi Tere Jaisa Koi Nahi Main Assi Nahi Sau Din Duniya Ghooma Hai Nahi Kahin Tere Jaisa Koi Nahi Hai Vande Mataram (I praise thee Motherland) Happy 26 January.


Vande Mataram: Mother I salute thee

Vande Mataram: Mother I salute thee Rich with thy hurrying streams bright with orchard gleams Cool with thy winds of delight Dark fields waving Mother of might Mother free Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Happy 26 January.


The Roots of Violence: Wealth without

The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge without character; Commerce without morality; Science without humanity; Worship without sacrifice;; And politics without principles Happy Republic Day.


In triumph and in tragedy One

In triumph and in tragedy One Nation under God Indivisible And Pledge allegiance to the flag of our Motherland And to the republic for which it stands With liberty and justice for all United we stand Wish you a very happy Republic Day.


26 alphabets in the English language;

26 alphabets in the English language; 26 sides in a Rhombicuboctahedron; 26 is the atomic number of Iron; 26 number of cases on Deal or No Deal ; 26 red cards and 26 black cards in playing cards But 26 January is the most important for Indians Happy Republic day.


Let us all pledge that this

Let us all pledge that this 26 January be the last Republic Day for the people of India where we are: Made to suffocate due to corruption; Taxed for the luxuries of the rulers; Discriminated because of caste colour or creed Let s participate actively in the elections to make India once again Sone ke Chidiya Happy Republic Day.

15 August Sms

Freedom in Mind; Faith in Words

Freedom in Mind; Faith in Words; Pride in our Heart; Memories in our Souls Let s salute the Nation on Independence Day.

Freedom can only be enjoyed when

Freedom can only be enjoyed when our mind is free And our mind can only be free if we cherish the freedom Happy Independence day.

Let s value our Freedom by

Let s value our Freedom by not forgetting the sacrifices of the martyrs It s time for us to unite and fight corruption and bringing in reforms by starting a revolution Let us pray and fight to make every subsequent 15 August a happy Independence day.

Others might have forgotten; But never

Others might have forgotten; But never can I; May the tri-colour of my country; Furls very high Happy Independence day.

INDIA I: Incredible N: Novel D:

INDIA I: Incredible N: Novel D: Dazzling I: Immense A: Adorable Happy Independence Day.

The yearly ritual of your taking

The yearly ritual of your taking bath expires on 15th August May you give Independence to all the bacterias parasites and dirt that you host on your body Happy Independence day.

Let s revere the great martyrs

Let s revere the great martyrs who make us enjoy the freedom by sacrificing their lives Happy 15 August.

To remove Ink from Clothes: Apply

To remove Ink from Clothes: Apply Toothpaste on the Ink Spots generously and wash the cloth when it dries completely.

I: Indian N: Nationals D: Dedicated

I: Indian N: Nationals D: Dedicated to I: Immediate A: Action against drugs nepotism and corruption I am Are you? Happy 15 August.

What s the thing that weighs

What s the thing that weighs 2 Kg when dry; weighs 1 Kg when wet; and weighs 3 Kg if it s burnt?

United we stand Divided we fall

United we stand Divided we fall Let s renew our pledge to unitedly protect our country from foreign invaders Happy Independence day.

Freedom in our mind; Faith in

Freedom in our mind; Faith in the words; Pride in our souls; Salute to India on this Independence Day Vande Mataram Happy 15 August.

The Nation is as perfect or

The Nation is as perfect or imperfect as its people Let s make India great by doing our duties and fighting for our rights Happy 15 August.

28 States 7 Union Territories 1652

28 States 7 Union Territories 1652 Total Languages 6 Major Religions 100s of Festivals 1 Country Proud to be an Indian Happy Independence Day.

Freedom is a state of mind

Freedom is a state of mind And my mind says I am independent till the time my wife has gone to her parents May there be such long weekends every month Happy 15 August.